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    Shenzhen Constant 

    Electronics Co.,Ltd



    Addresss:4F/A, Factory Building No.7, Tongfuyu Industrial Zone, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China
    Postal Code: 518103

The Second generation

The second generation of centralized measurement-Display unit

Release time:2021-01-14 丨 Reading times:977

{Features }

Receiving the data of the electric energy meter, the installation position is flexible, which is convenient for users to check the electricity consumption in time;

{Product Features }

★Can display energy consumption data with time stamps.

★It can be automatically connected to the same user's metering energy meter (we call it partner meter) through PLC, which greatly saves the workload of installation engineering and daily maintenance.

★Display the PLC ID of your own and cooperating meters.

★Can indicate communication status and energy reverse (when the power cord is connected incorrectly).

★If there is some energy bypass before itself, it will warn the user.

★Power failure display: It can continuously display energy consumption data for more than 4 hours.

★Display mode can be set: display total energy or total demand, display total energy and multi-rate energy.

Tel:0755-29981535    Fax: 0755-29981536   Welcome to inquire agent, distribution.
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