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    Shenzhen Constant 

    Electronics Co.,Ltd



    Addresss:4F/A, Factory Building No.7, Tongfuyu Industrial Zone, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China
    Postal Code: 518103

The Third Generation


Release time:2020-08-04 丨 Reading times:1180

BBS communication port.
Installation: Sliding Raid, Hanging Hook.
Three-Phase Three-wire.


Ultra-broadly voltage working range: 80%Un ~ 120%U.
Good linear character in active energy measuring of less than 0.4% over all current range.
With good stability.
With BBS communication port.
Measure active positive and negative energy.
Measure total reactive energy, inductive reactive energy and capacitive reactive energy.
Can measure voltage, current, active power, reactive power, frequency and power factor.
Error of clock is less than +/-0.5s per day under normal operational temperatures.
Automatic Event Reporting.
Measure Maximum demand and record data.
Event recording.
Multiple tariffs.


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