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    Shenzhen Constant 

    Electronics Co.,Ltd



    Addresss:4F/A, Factory Building No.7, Tongfuyu Industrial Zone, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China
    Postal Code: 518103

The Third Generation

System software AMRS2020

Release time:2021-01-12 丨 Reading times:709

The system software for V3 centralized metering can be used with the concentrator JDG32 to  control all the energy meters used for V3 and V1 centralized metering, as well as the common PLC energy meters produced by our company. It can be used as the AMR daily operation system of small and medium power companies.

Tel:0755-29981535    Fax: 0755-29981536   Welcome to inquire agent, distribution.
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