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    Shenzhen Constant 

    Electronics Co.,Ltd



    Addresss:4F/A, Factory Building No.7, Tongfuyu Industrial Zone, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China
    Postal Code: 518103

Industrial Communication Products


Release time:2020-08-04 丨 Reading times:1228


Before installation of smart meters, a user can use the tester to evaluate the channel quality among locations where will install concentrators or energy meters.


It has three working statuses: idle, sending, receiving. In idle status, it performs no actions. But the user can browse the data received in the last receiving duration. In sending status, it sends Lora signals in the “test frame text” format, in a continuous way with preset intervals. Its LCD displays the number of frames which has been sent out. In receiving status, it measures the RSSI and SNR of the “test frame” Lora signal sent by another tester.

Moreover, it also counts the complete frames received and the test frames lost (not received). In this status, its LCD displays the RSSI value received in last frame.



Technical Parameters

power supply

AC120V~380V, DC5V-300mA, optional



Features of Signal Sending

Signal strength:    0 ~ -5dBm;

Interval between Two Sending frames: {1,3,5,10}sec, configurable;

Features of Signal Receiving

Last frame RSSI:   [0,-137]dBm;

Average RSSI of last 8 frames:    [0,-137]dBm; Average RSSI of last 32 frames:    [0,-137]dBm; Average RSSI of receiving history:    [0,-137]dBm; Last frame SNR:    [-32, +31]dB;

Average SNR of last 8 frames:   [-32, +31]dB; Average SNR of last 32 frames: [-32, +31]dB; Average SNR of receiving history:    [-32, +31]dB; Quantity of Received Frames:    [0, 15300];

Quantity of Lost Frames:    [0, 15300];

Receiving Duration of Each Start: [1,255] minute, configurable; Receiving Address (ID):    8 decimal digitals, configurable.

Normal Operating Temperature

0~ +55

Limit Operating Temperature

0~ +70

Relative Humidity



less than 0.5kg


160mm × 120mm × 47mm

Tel:0755-29981535    Fax: 0755-29981536   Welcome to inquire agent, distribution.
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