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    Shenzhen Constant 

    Electronics Co.,Ltd



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Industrial Communication Products

RF module

Release time:2021-01-13 丨 Reading times:929

product description:
 The RF module is a highly integrated half-duplex micropower wireless data transmission module, which is embedded in a high-speed single-chip microcomputer and a high-performance radio frequency chip. Innovative use of efficient error detection coding, anti-interference and sensitivity are greatly improved.

Specifications and performance parameters:

RF channel frequency range: 902MHz~928MHz
RF data rate: 19.2k bit/sec
RF adjustment type: FSK

Functions and features:
★ Provides multiple channel options, and can modify various parameters such as transmit power.
★It can transmit data transparently, and users don't need to write complicated settings and transmission programs.
★It has a small size and wide voltage operation.
★Longer transmission distance.
★Safe and reliable performance, stable work for a long time.
★Optimized design, installation, use and maintenance are very simple.
★High transmission efficiency.
★Strict reliability test.

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